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[ Викачати з сервера (29.3 Kb) ] 10.06.2010, 18:31

Цей плагін дозволяє вам літати на мотузці (Досить популярна штучка). Команда для гравців: Забіндіть в консолі кнопку при нажимані на яку вилітатиме мотузка. bind "кнопка" +rope Приклад:bind f +rope Команда для використання: amx_rope - Включати, вимикати плагін. amx_rope_count - Скільки мотузок можна використовувати за раунд.(Number of ropes allowed per player round) Налаштування(ENG): 0 to disable ninjarope, 1 to enable ninjarope sv_ninjarope 1 If you are running my "out_of_bounds" plugin you may want it disabled when you have the rope fully enabled. If you want this plugin to leave "out_of_bounds" alone, then set this cvar to 0. amx_rb_pl_kill 1 Default is 0, to enforce а 15 second delay on roping at round start so as to prevent spawn massacres set to 1. amx_rope_spawndelay 0 Set to 1 to not allow vip to use rope. Set cvar to 0 to allow free vip roping amx_rope_no_vip 1 This is number of times а player may use the rope each round. encourage strategic usage of the rope rather than just having it be total craziness. amx_ropes_round 100 Switch to report number of ropes remaining in а round to а player if that number drops to 10 or less. By default its on 1, set to 0 to turn off this report. amx_rep_rcount 1 1 is а rope like looking rope with no team colors 0 is for the original look with red and blue beams amx_ropetype 1
Джерело: zaxid-cs.org.ua
Категорія: Плагіни | Додав: XXL150
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